Terms and Conditions

This Contract is entered into by and between Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust, (hereinafter referred to as “Association’’ and/or “Victoria Goudy") and the person listed above (hereinafter referred to as "Patron" and/or "You").


"STATE of X" = whatever state the Patron is in

Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust operates pursuant to “free will” and therefore connotes the freedom to contract unrestricted and unhampered by governmental interference. Association and its Patrons and/or its assigns both recognize that “consensus facit jus”, consent makes a law, or in other words, your assent gives force to the law form to which you assent. Therefore, this contract operates pursuant in the nature of private international law.

It is the intent of this Contract to positively communicate to the intended Patron, that the subsequent contract service hereby provided is to be conducted outside, separate, and apart from any “STATE OF X”, or Federal, or International governmental structure, municipality, or subdivision therein, corporate or otherwise, commerce, and that Association is separate and apart from the said structure which has virally infected most contract exchange activities. It is of most importance for the Patron to understand that the Association has no intention of contracting with those human beings who have, for whatever reasons, decided to contract, absent forethought, with those governmental/government franchised entities without knowing what they are involved with, or the differences therein. Therefore, by signing and subscribing to this document where commercial benefits are accepted, being outside of the governmental structure whereby the rights of human beings are unalienable, it is recognized that all men are created equal by their Creator. This affidavit is drawn pursuant to the “Law of Nations”, which deals with the laws of obligations, and recognizes that no man, or entity, can place another into involuntary bondage/servitude. Patron hereby covenants and contracts freely with the Association.

The Association will only accept payment in substance accompanied with whatever other acceptable marketplace current legal tender is available, as the common law requires that we give you a relief mechanism in lieu thereof. The substance is hereby defined as United States minted coins minted prior to Anno Domini 1933 in gold or silver. The word “Client” indicates a lack of competence in reference to the subscriber and may be incorrect, whereas the term Patron indicates competence and support. It is imperative that the Patron understands that The Association does not do business with the public. It is the intent of this affidavit to positively convey that information to the Patron. The Association does business privately and does not include the public in its contracts. Association, its overseers, its assigns, and its Patron acknowledge that each state and the United States, each body politics with respective governments, are under no legal obligation to provide police power protection or commercial benefits, such as Social Security.

Association, its overseers, its assigns, and club members repudiate any pledge of protection in return for personal allegiance namely, the citizenship contract that the US Supreme Court described I Luria v U.S., 231 US 9. This case along with 50 USC § 1520, wherein the Federal Government authorized chemical and biological experiments to be conducted on the populace, is evidence enough to demonstrate that there is no obligation to provide police power protection and that the government has in fact become harmful to the public and its unalienable rights.

Any disputes between the Association and the Patron that cannot be resolved will be resolved by a binding arbitration by an independent arbitrator. The legal reasoning is simple: if the contract between the Association and the Patron is enforced by the police power of the state, then the state becomes a silent third partner and may then regulate and tax that transaction. The penalty for invoking police power of the State with Association outside of binding arbitration is the termination of the membership and all rights therein.

It is important for the Patron to understand that there are essentially three (3) different groups of people regarding this subject matter:

I. Those people who are aware that it is the voluntary acceptance of FEDERAL/STATE benefits that creates a tax liability (insurance premium), and puts one in “STATE OF X”, that a Social Security number/account is not required, have notified the appropriate authorities to terminate benefits and have taken steps to function outside “STATE OFX”.

II. There are those people who are aware that it is the voluntary acceptance of FEDERAL/STATE benefits that creates a tax liability (insurance premium), and puts one in “STATE OF X”, that they do not need a Social Security number/account, but have elected, for whatever reason, to keep it, accept the benefits therein and stay in “STATE OF X”[government] by this contract relationship.

III. There are those people, the majority of the population, viz., the “masses”, who do not know about the contractual nature of Social Security and the voluntary acceptance of FEDERAL/STATE benefits, are not as knowledgeable as they could be regarding their natural rights, and accompanying obligations, in regards to their absolute freedom to contract, and therefore do not know, nor want to know for any number of reasons, to rid themselves of a Social Security number/account and their voluntary acceptance of FEDERAL/STATE benefits, and therefore continue to operate, by contract election, with “STATE OF X” [government].

Starting as a number “III” does not preclude anyone from becoming a “II” through education, preferably private education not associated with the [public] “STATE OF X” government schools.

The Association will contract with those belonging to groups “I”, “II”, and “III”, but only through Private Independent Contracts that remain separate and apart from “STATE OF X”, or Federal, or International government enfranchised entities, municipality(ies), or subdivisions, or officers, or agents therein and the Patron signing this Contract agree willfully and knowingly herein. The Association cannot guarantee that these private contracts will be respected by said “STATE OF X” government institutions even though there is protection for said contracts in their constitution(s).

Therefore, by default, the Patron, also understands that the Association can choose to contract, or not to contract with groups “I” or “II” as the Association deems appropriate. Also, the Patron understands that this is a covenant relationship not arising under causaedebendi (cause of debt).

Patron affirm under penalty of perjury that this Affidavit is true and correct and done so in good faith as to comply with the Law to the very best of my knowledge; and,



“I’m excited to partner with you as a health and wellness consultant, but first, it is important that you clearly understand the nature of my health consulting services and our relationship. While I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the state of Washington, I do not practice naturopathic medicine for individuals located outside of Washington. This means that as your health consultant, I will not be acting as your naturopathic doctor when we work together. I will not diagnose or treat any disease, prescribe medications, order diagnostic laboratory tests, or otherwise be practicing medicine. Instead, I will be your guide and educator, helping you stay on track with your health goals and providing consultation and coaching on the subjects of health and wellness from a naturopathic perspective. Ultimately naturopathic philosophy is based on the principles of putting into place the foundations of health so that the body can do its job and function as intended – and my goal is to help you get and stay on track with those foundations! My health consulting services are designed to be in addition to and are not a substitute for the advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment of a licensed healthcare provider in your state. Therefore, you will need to maintain a doctor licensed in your state who can provide medical care to you. My health consulting is designed to empower you with the tools and education you need to work with your doctors and take charge of your health.

In my role as a health consultant, I can consult with you and provide recommendations and suggestions for you to discuss with your medical providers, but I cannot alter the treatment plans of your medical providers. All that to say, I’m not a replacement for who you currently have as a doctor; I’m a consultant to provides recommendations from a naturopathic perspective. I suggest that you take my recommendations to your primary physician even before you take any action on them. This keeps your local doctor connected to your care, educates him/her on naturopathic approaches to care, and helps establish a “team” approach to getting you vibrantly healthy again’’.

Victoria Goudy, ND, VDP, LMT

1. No Assignment or Transfer:

The Program is specific to the Patron and therefore the Program and this Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by the Patron to any other person. Programs and any content viewed are for personal and non-commercial use only and are non-transferable. Any use beyond this shall result in immediate termination of this contract, without refund. You agree not to: i) publicize publicly any portion of the program; ii) reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or exploit in any manner any portion of the program, other than as expressly permitted by Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust iii) use any high-volume, automated, electronic, or related means to access our website; iv) otherwise interfere with or disrupt the program, and/or v) use the program for public performances.

2. Payment: Please note, that the Program Fee is not reimbursable from insurance, and you are responsible for payment in full to Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust. No superbills are provided as this is not medical care. Your signature authorizes Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust to charge the card provided through the payment link including any additional fees from the platform payment. For Patrons paying monthly, the monthly fee will be automatically debited from the card provided on the same date each month. By selecting the payment plan, you authorize Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust, to charge you the monthly installation (if applicable) and other additional fees charged from the platform payment, to the form of payment you have provided. You may be asked to supply certain information relevant to your purchase including your card information and billing address. Rest assured that none of your personal or payment details will be shared with any third-party for any purpose other than processing card payments.

2.1. You represent and warrant that: i) you are at least 18 years of age; ii) you have the legal right to use the debit or credit card provided; and iii) the information you supply is true, correct, and complete. You expressly agree that VisFoundations Irrevocable Trust is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from the submission of false or inaccurate information. Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust reserves the right to refuse or cancel your order if fraud or an unauthorized/illegal transaction is suspected.

3. Health Consulting – Not Practice of Medicine:

While Victoria Goudy does hold a doctorate degree in Naturopathic Medicine and is licensed to practice naturopathic medicine in the State of Washington and the State of Vermont, she does not hold a license to practice naturopathic medicine in any other states or jurisdictions. Therefore, by entering into this Contract, you understand that Victoria Goudy will not be acting in her capacity as a naturopathic doctor or as one of your doctors when providing health consulting to you. You understand that health consulting is different from the practice of medicine, and Victoria Goudy will not be providing any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment to you., Victoria Goudy will not be acting as your naturopathic doctor when you work together. She will not diagnose or treat any disease, prescribe medications, order diagnostic laboratory tests, or otherwise be practicing medicine. Also, you understand that:

3.1. You are not entering into a doctor-patient relationship with Victoria Goudy, and therefore, you are strongly recommended to establish or maintain a professional relationship with a licensed healthcare professional in your state while engaging the health consulting services of Victoria Goudy.

3.2. The purpose of health consulting is to complement your medical care and to help you have an empowered relationship with your health. It is Victoria Goudy’s role to partner with you to provide support and education as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your health goals. When providing health consulting to you, Victoria Goudy will function exclusively as an educator and consultant. Any information, recommendations, or suggestions provided by Victoria Goudy with respect to lifestyle, dietary or herbal supplements, nutrition, stress management, exercise, or otherwise, are intended as education and information only and are not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or condition or a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided to you by a licensed healthcare provider in your state.

3.3. You should always speak to your licensed health care professional(s) before implementing any information, suggestions, or recommendations, including, without limitation, dietary or herbal supplement use, and you should not discontinue or change any prescription medications without first consulting such licensed practitioner.

3.4. Victoria Goudy will not order lab tests for you, but you may choose to share the results of any lab tests that you have completed or any of your health information with Victoria Goudy. Additionally, Victoria Goudy may make suggestions for lab tests that you can discuss with your local practitioner to assess if such lab tests would be applicable and/or useful. These tests may not always be available outside the state of Washington, and you may have to find a local practitioner who can order/authorize similar tests available in your state.

3.5. You understand that any discussions or reviews by Victoria Goudy of any of your lab tests and/or functional diagnostic tests are solely for educational purposes and to enhance your knowledge and assist you in the development of a lifestyle plan or plan to work with your doctor, and not to diagnose or treat any physical or mental disease or condition. If Victoria Goudy suspects the existence of a disease or medical condition requiring diagnosis, she will inform you of this suspicion and recommend to consult a licensed medical professional in your state for diagnosis and treatment. Victoria Goudy and Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust do not accept any liability for any failure to identify any medical condition or disease as this is not the purpose of health consulting.

3.6. Victoria Goudy does not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your licensed health care professional(s).

4. Patron Responsibilities: It is the Patron’s responsibility to discuss any information provided during health consulting sessions with your primary health care provider or other licensed health care providers/specialists whose care you may be under. The Patron agrees not to disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information shared during health consulting sessions.

4.1. You agree that you will disclose all medical diagnoses with Victoria Goudy so that she can provide appropriate healthconsulting and education, and that you will have an established physician in your state for medical diagnosis and care.

4.2. You agree to disclose all current prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements to Victoria Goudy so that she can educate you appropriately, as serious interactions can occur between medications and supplements. Victoria Goudy cannot provide education and consulting to you if you withhold information.

4.3. If you are a female, you agree that you will let Victoria Goudy know if you are pregnant or suspect you are pregnant so that Victoria Goudy can educate you about safety during pregnancy and help you work with your doctors.

5. No Guarantees, Limitation of Liability, and Release of Claims: The goal of health consulting services is to guide you toward reaching your health and wellness goals, but no results can be guaranteed. Therefore, you understand that neither Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust nor Victoria Goudy makes any guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, about any results to be achieved from your participation in the Program.

5.1. Because Victoria Goudy is not acting in the capacity of a licensed medical or naturopathic doctor and cannot diagnose or treat any physical or mental disease or condition, Victoria Goudy will not be held liable for failure to diagnose or treat any health condition you have, nor will she be liable for failure to prevent any future health condition you may have. You understand that diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and cure of disease is NOT the purpose of or part of health consulting services.

5.2. You acknowledge that you are aware that all existing methods of treatment, including herbs/botanicals, supplements, and dietary changes, pose some level of risk and that you are advised to consult with a licensed healthcare provider prior to implementing any such changes or self-treatment. Therefore, you release Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust and Victoria Goudy, on your behalf and on behalf of your personal representatives, estate, heirs, next of kin, and assigns from any and all claims, liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, and demands whatsoever, inlay or equity, arising from your participation in, or otherwise with respect to, the health consulting services and any self-treatment you undertake, including any damage you may suffer as a result of failing to seek medical advice.

6. Virtual Consultations and Communication:

Virtual consultations involve the use of electronic communications (telephone, computer, live two-way audio and video, etc.) which enable Victoria Goudy to be at different location from the Patron yet still exchange information. For this purpose, Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust uses an interactive video connection system and electronic communication systems that incorporate network and software security protocols designed to protect confidentiality and imaging data and safeguard information shared to ensure its integrity against intentional or unintentional corruption. However, there is the risk that technical difficulties or failures may occur during the consultation and security protocols may fail, causing a breach of privacy of personal information and/or unauthorized access to the video connection during the consultation. You agree to assume this risk if you participate in virtual consultations.

6.1. You consent to receive communications from Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust relating to your account. These communications may be sent via email, SMS, or calls to the contact information you provided. You agree that any notices or other communication that Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust, sends to you will satisfy any legal communication requirement. You also consent to receive certain other communications from us, such as special offers, promotional announcements, and customer surveys. If you no longer want to receive non-transactional communications, simply email Support@visfoundations.com

7. Scheduling Changes and Cancellations of Appointments:

If you schedule an individual appointment (If applicable on your purchase), we reserve this time, especially for you and kindly request at least 48 hours (two business days) advance notice prior to any cancellations or changes of your scheduled appointments. Missed appointments or cancellations made within 48 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time will require compensation. Reasonable exceptions will be made for emergencies. If you reschedule more than three visits, for any future scheduling changes you will be charged the full amount of the scheduled appointment at the time of booking.

8. Confidentiality and Privacy:

As part of the health consulting services, you may discuss and provide information concerning your physical habits, medical history, laboratory results, lifestyle, and diet to Victoria Goudy. This information is collected to enable Victoria Goudy to: (i) assess your knowledge of health and nutrition, (ii) educate you about the benefits of sound lifestyle and dietary practices, and (iii) make non-medical recommendations to improve your general health, vitality, and overall well-being.

8.1. Because Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust does not provide medical services, the information you choose to share with Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust is not part of a medical record. However, Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust stores this information on a secure portal to protect the confidentiality of any information you share, and will not release or disclose this information to any other person, without your prior written consent, except as required by applicable law. For personal appointments. For the group program of Soul-Aligned, Vibrant Health, Victoria Goudy will not store your information. You are recommended to share what information you deem necessary in your health on the group calls for everyone to benefit. If you want individual assistance or support, an individual appointment will need to be made (If applicable on your purchase).

9. Program Termination:

You agree to installation payments that will be charged monthly on the same date each month. Monthly payments will continue until a written cancellation request is sent to Support@visfoundations.com within 15 days before the billing date. If the Patron has agreed to a 6-month payment it will be automatically charged on the renewal date unless a written cancellation request is sent to Support@visfoundations.com within 15 days of your renewal date. if the Patron requests to cancel after the billing date, will have access to the program until the end of that billing cycle. This contract and the program may be terminated by Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust for any reason. In case of termination of this agreement prior to the end of the term, Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust will refund an amount equal to the upfront program fee payment less any sums due for the services already provided to the Patron by Vis Foundations Irrevocable Trust during the program. The amounts due for the services already provided will be computed at a non-discounted, fee-for-service rate. if the “non-discounted” amount due for the services already provided equals or exceeds the amount paid upfront, there will be no refund owed to the Patron. if it is less than the amount paid upfront, the remaining balance will be refunded to the Patron. If the Patron fails to keep your payments current, the services may be suspended, and will nevertheless remain liable for the full contract price, which shall become immediately due and payable in full.

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